Survey links were sent out on whatsapp, by email and also some surveys were kept in hard copy. Only one survey per household was accepted for the Quantified responses. However all comments on the open questions (except one submitted in error) were kept to inform the process There were 177 responses, 1 in error, 13 duplicates,. 163 responses were tabulated, representing 155 owners and 8 resident households that are not owners. This represents approximately 65% of households in Rooiels.
Link to the 2021 Babco survey report where you can see the Results of the Quantified (Measured) Responses of the 2021 Survey or access the small team Summary Compilation of Open Questions - there were over 2500 comments made on 93 pages of responses to the Open questions. These open questions were not designed for analysis. They were to be used to inform the Baboon Coexistence team on what to include and how to prepare for the Indaba. There was no requirement for respondents to answer and a scientific analysis was never the intention for the written comments. However ALL the comments were shared with all of the Babco team of 14 people to inform the identification of Working Groups and topics for the Indaba.
Article from 2018 Breeze with some provisional results of the Survey carried out early in 20183/9/2021 Preliminary results of a survey in early 2018, in the 2018 Rooiels Breeze, shows that of the 177 responses from residents: tolerance for baboons was high with almost 90% of respondents accepting that they share Rooiels with baboons and 80% stated they did not mind if baboons visited their properties. Most (98%) stated that wildlife is important to them and two-thirds did not find it stressful to live with the baboons, although 21% found it somewhat stressful, 12% found it stressful with 1% unsure. In order to continue to have the baboons roaming freely we residents have to manage our behaviour. The 2018 survey found that almost all (99.4%) respondents managed their rubbish, 93% had baboon-proof window fixtures and 84% of respondents had strict house rules to prevent baboon entry. More than half stated that their attitude towards the baboons had changed over their course of living in Rooiels. Over two thirds believed that residents are at fault if baboons gain access to their homes and 89% did not believe that baboons should know better than to take people’s food or damage their belongings. 77% of residents were concerned about the conservation of baboons in Rooiels and almost everyone was concerned about conserving other wildlife in Rooiels. You can see the original article in the 2018 Breeze on this website and a scanned version of the article appears below You can see the full article in original PDF version on the Website Breeze collection - Link Or below you can read a scanned version. You will also find interesting articles on baboons on the website on the Baboon Research page This Article was written by Jenny Stark reporting back from the Survey carried out in 2000-2002
Baboon Education and Awareness Programme (BEAP)
Article extracted from the Rooiels Breeze 2001 “People are the problem, not the baboons…” “I’m not prepared to live behind bars…” “The baboons were here first…” “It’s only a matter of time before a child is hurt or killed…” “If people don’t like the baboons, let them live somewhere else…” These are only some of the comments which spice up social gatherings in Rooiels. Amusing at first, I felt compelled to take things more seriously after rumours of baboons shot on three different occasions in the Rooiels area during 2000. Since there seemed to be numerous legends but few facts, I decided that the place to start would be to scientifically document facts relating to the Rooiels baboons and their interactions with humans in our community. The object of the study is to collect and document as much information as possible with a view to launching an education and awareness programme to teach residents, visitors (and perhaps baboons!) how all citizens of the Kogelberg Biosphere may live in harmony. In December 2000 Koos Smit, Evette Weyers and Drika Wilkens helped me hand out questionnaires to all occupied houses in the village. Margaret Hensen kept copies available in the Village Shop for anyone we missed and also for visitors. To date we have received 113 completed questionnaires, 90 from property owners and 23 from visitors. … Analysis of the data so far received from property owners has revealed some interesting facts.
Baboons enter our homes for fruit (56% of hits) with bread running second (38%) in the favourite human food stakes.
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