New Rooielsers
Join RERA For existing Members you can Update your profile and preferences for receiving emails. Banking details on the Join RERA page Communications Links
Sign up to the mailing list - open to all Rooielsers whether RERA members or not. Join the WhatsApp Rooiels Communications to receive important information - not a discussion group. Links to News and Key documents
RERA Ward Feedback RERA News RERA Exco Current Minutes Blog RERA Minutes Archive Overlay Zones RECOZ and HPOZ Rooiels RERA Constitution OM Plot Clearing 3 Villages Policy objections RERA Committee 2025
Contact: [email protected]
Tom Baigrie
Lesley Lundie Christoph Weichsler Nigel Burls Steve Tetluk Portfolio responsibilities and coopted members To be decided at first EXCO meeting. |
RERA facilitates the support of the Rooiels Vision, promoting the adoption of policies and the implementation of services in ways that "Nurture Nature". RERA assists the Overstrand Municipality in a planning and coordinating role. RERA does not have authority to enforce. Within the guidelines of the Constitution, RERA acts as a conduit for ratepayers views and helps to ensure that municipal services are provided to the benefit of ratepayers in ways that are effective, efficient, accountable and in ways that reinforce the Rooiels Vision. RERA provides feedback to ratepayers and residents about matters and policies under consideration by the Overstrand Municipality and elicits input and a mandate where required.
These are the Draft interim AGM Minutes from 2023
Go to RERA News for the MailChimps
Link to Ward Feedback for MailChimps with specific Overstrand Municipal Feedback sent out to all Rooiels Erf owners and permanent residents that we have email addresses for.
Please add your email to the Mailing list. The email addresses are kept completely confidential and you can indicate which bulletins you receive.
Overstrand Municipality Rooiels Blog - Rooiels relevant current documents are copied from OM website for quick reference. But please check the OM site yourself as only a few of the documents are posted on the RE website.
Large Public Objections blog provides information on significant or controversial developments that RERA objects to - provide your input to: [email protected]
Link to Ward Feedback for MailChimps with specific Overstrand Municipal Feedback sent out to all Rooiels Erf owners and permanent residents that we have email addresses for.
Please add your email to the Mailing list. The email addresses are kept completely confidential and you can indicate which bulletins you receive.
Overstrand Municipality Rooiels Blog - Rooiels relevant current documents are copied from OM website for quick reference. But please check the OM site yourself as only a few of the documents are posted on the RE website.
Large Public Objections blog provides information on significant or controversial developments that RERA objects to - provide your input to: [email protected]
Link here to the Rooiels Heritage Protection Overlay Zone (as gazetted and in force) and also the proposed RECOZ - Rooiels Conservation Zone that would extend protection to all of Rooiels and not only to properties seen from the R44 as the HPOZ is. Link to the Documents from the Information cascade which overwhelmingly discussed issues related to the Overlays and regulations for Rooiels and where the Overstrand Municipality assured the Meeting that they would support Rooiels which overwhelmingly requested RECOZ but agreed to accept the HPOZ in the meantime at the request of the OM. The inclusion of Rooiels into the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve Buffer zone was discussed after a presentation on the KBR by Ruida Pool-Stanvliet, Cape Nature.
National Legislation
Link here to the regulations promulgated from 1998 in accordance with the 1998 National Environmental Management Act NEMA
Visit the Overstrand Municipal website for notices, regulations and other interesting reports and Annual Reviews of the IDP.
Download the Overstrand Municipality App which provides media updates Link on this Rooiels website to some recent documents and notices that most directly affect Rooiels Overstrand Municipality Spatial Development Framework 2020
see especially Section 5.2 Rooiels (pgs 167-171 Overstrand Integrated Development Plan (IDP) 2018-2022
(for Rooiels see esp. pgs 132 and 228) extended to June 2023. New plan will be 2023-2028 |
[ RERA Minutes ]
RERA holds an Annual General Meeting every year. These are usually held just before or after Christmas so that as many Rooiels home owners as possible are here to attend. The Executive Committee meets at least four times a year and when necessary more frequently. In 2022 they are meeting on alternate first Saturdays. after the Hack. A member of the RERA Exco, as the Rooiels Representative, also attends the Overstrand Ward Committee meetings.
RERA Exco Meeting Current Year Minutes are available to members once adopted, email [email protected].
Past Exco Minutes are being retrieved and scanned to be loaded onto the Minutes Archive - we are still missing 2018, 2019 and 2020 - anyone who can assist please email [email protected] (Minutes from the years prior to 2015 would be appreciated. We have found some of the very old files and will be searching those).
Past Exco Minutes are being retrieved and scanned to be loaded onto the Minutes Archive - we are still missing 2018, 2019 and 2020 - anyone who can assist please email [email protected] (Minutes from the years prior to 2015 would be appreciated. We have found some of the very old files and will be searching those).