NOT sure if we have this overview Page -- or if instead we only have the individual pages. But am leaving this here for now - we will see what comes in with feedback
Fish and Marine Invertebrates
Fish and many marine invertebrates can be harvested from along the Rooiels shores. You do need permits which are available for most of them year round but there is a very restricted season for crayfish. Get information on accessing permits on line from the link below
Better known as crayfish or kreef - and an important part of the Christmas holidays for many Rooielsers!
Perlemoen or Abalone (Haliotis midae) are a protected species and may not be harvested from the sea in South Africa. Rooielsers need to be vigilant in assisting authorities to prevent poaching. The sustainability of Kreef or Crayfish (Jasus lalandii) is under threat and there are various different limits in place for the Offshore (large vessels with traps), the Nearshore commercial, small boats with hoopnets, and recreational fishers who use boats, free-dive or use nets from the shore.
The Ecology and History of our Seashore
Go to the pages for various articles to download. We are still compiling information but there is some on the seashore and the red tide and shells and various articles on ecology -- we welcome any inputs for more information!
Meantime for a beautiful visual tour of our underwater sea gardens click on this link
Meantime for a beautiful visual tour of our underwater sea gardens click on this link
There was a survey carried out in 2016 to underpin the Rooiels River Estuary Management Plan. A copy of the draft estuary management plan for 2021 can be downloaded from the link below. It includes the results from the 2016 survey