Dear Rooiels Homeowners ROOIELS BASED SECURITY A REALITY AT LAST At the RESA Annual General Meeting held on 28 December a proposal from ASK for a 12 hour 7 days a week night time Rooiels based security monitoring and response presence, was tabled. This proposal involves 2 security guards on duty with a response vehicle based in the RESA office every night. This is a significant start to improving security in Rooiels and the acceptance of the proposal was a unanimous decision by all members present. The service will commence by the end of January but there will hopefully be an incremental increase in the ASK security presence at the RESA office before then. The proposal and decision is the outcome of a long process of securing sufficient support for a Rooiels based security service and engaging with ASK to make this a reality. We thank all the 165 Rooiels homeowners who have given their support for the RESA initiative and encourage those who have not to consider doing so. This will bring down the cost per owner for all owners and help build the community spirit we seek. The cost to homeowners for the increased security presence will be R100 per month. This will be allocated to the RESA office costs and to the ASK charge for the extra dedicated Rooiels service. The RESA office will be manned during the week on some mornings by a RESA appointed person to deal with homeowners liaison and RESA administration. The manner in which the payments will function is for homeowners to pay their normal monthly security fees directly to ASK and to pay the RESA fee of R100 to RESA. We encourage homeowners to pay this RESA fee annually ie.R1 200.00 this January (first choice), six monthly or quarterly in advance, starting with effect 1 January 2016. The bank details for the RESA fee are different to the bank account that has been used by members to pay the monthly ASK security fee and is the following: RESA Reserve Account Nedbank Branch Code 198765 Account number 9018382109 Account type – savings Deposit reference – your surname and erf no Members who have been paying their monthly security fees through RESA will be communicated with about switching payments to ASK directly and be given a final RESA statement for their security fees received and paid. The reason for this change is that RESA will not be contractually liable for the monthly security fees and therefore carries no risk in respect of those payments. The RESA fees paid by members are what makes the Rooiels based security possible. We will require each RESA member to sign the constitution as acceptance of membership and an agreement between RESA and the member. There will be further communication as the implementation of this long awaited outcome takes place. Thank you to all homeowners who have supported RESA to make this possible and to the RESA operating committee for the significant work, time and effort that they have given to realising this objective of Rooiels based security. Mark Butler Chairperson - For the RESA Operations Committee ROOI ELS SECURITY ASSOCIATION NPC P O BOX 44937 CLAREMONT 7735 Ph 028 273 8089 MAKING ROOI ELS A SAFER PLACE REGISTRATION NUMBER 2014/109464/08 DIRECTORS: A D BAIGRIE, M R BUTLER, G A McCLELAND ROOIELS-GEBASSEERDE SEKURITEIT UITEINDELIK ‘N REALITEIT 29 Desember 2015
Beste Rooielsers ROOIELS-GEBASSEERDE SEKURITEIT UITEINDELIK ‘N REALITEIT ‘n Voorstel van ASK vir ‘n 12 uur 7 dae per week Rooiels-gebasseerde sekuriteitsmonitering en -reaksie teenwoordigheid is tydens die RESA Algemene Jaarvergadering wat op 28 Desember 2015 gehou is, ter tafel gelê. Hierdie voorstel sluit in twee sekuriteitswagte aan diens met ‘n reaksievoertuig wat elke nag gebasseer sal wees in die RESA-kantoor. Hierdie is ‘n betekenisvolle begin aan die verbetering van sekuriteit op Rooiels en die voorstel is eenparig aanvaar tydens hierdie vergadering. Die diens sal teen die einde van Januarie in werking gestel word, maar daar sal hopelik nog voor dan ‘n oplopende toename in die ASK sekuriteitsteenwoordigheid in die RESA-kantoor wees. Die voorstel en besluit is die gevolg van ‘n lang proses om voldoende ondersteuning vir ‘n Rooiels-gebasseerde sekuriteitsdiens te bekom en ook onderhandelings met ASK om hierdie plan ‘n realiteit te maak. Ons bedank die 165 Rooiels-huiseienaars wat hulle steun vir die RESA-inisiatief toegesê het en ons moedig dié wat dit nog nie gedoen het nie aan om te oorweeg om dit te doen. Dit sal ‘n vermindering in kostes per eienaar tot gevolg hê en bydra tot die gemeenskapsgees waarna ons streef. Die koste vir die vermeerderde sekuriteitsteenwoordigheid sal vir huiseienaars R100 per maand beloop. Hierdie bedrag sal toegewys word aan die RESA-kantoor uitgawes asook die ASK-kostes vir die addisionele toegewysde Rooiels-diens. Die RESA-kantoor sal party oggende deur die week beman word deur ‘n RESA-aangestelde persoon wat skakeling met huiseienaars asook RESA-administrasie sal behartig. Betaling sal soos volg werk: huiseienaars sal hul maandelikse sekuriteitsfooi direk aan ASK betaal en die RESA-fooi van R100 per maand direk aan RESA betaal. Ons moedig eienaars aan om hul RESA-fooi òf jaarliks, m.a.w. R1200.00 (eerste keuse), halfjaarliks of kwartaalliks vooruit te betaal met ingang 1 Januarie 2016. Die bankbesonderhede vir die RESA-fooi verskil van die bankrekening wat tot dusver gebruik is en is soos volg: RESA Reserve Account Nedbank Takkode 198765 Rekeningnommer 9018382109 Rekeningtipe – spaar Inbetalingverwysing – jou naam en erfnommer Daar sal met lede wat hul maandelikse sekuriteitsfooie deur RESA betaal het, gekommunikeer word aangaande die oorskakeling om ASK se fooi direk aan hulle te betaal en ‘n finale RESA-staat vir alle fooie reeds ontvang en oorbetaal sal aan hulle gestuur word. Die rede vir hierdie verandering is dat RESA nie wetlik aanspreeklik sal wees vir die betaal van die maandelikse sekuritetitsfooie nie en dus geen risiko sal dra in daardie verband nie. Dis lede se RESA-fooie wat die Rooiels-gebasseerde sekuriteit moontlik maak. Ons sal van elke RESA-lid vereis om die grondwet te teken as aanvaarding van lidmaatskap en as onderneming tussen RESA en die lid. Daar sal verdere kommunikasie plaasvind soos hierdie langverwagte plan in werking gestel word. Dankie aan alle huiseienaars wat RESA ondersteun het om hierdie plan moontlik te maak en aan die RESA-bedryfskomitee vir hulle aansienlike hoeveelheid werk, tyd en moeite om dit moontlik te maak. Mark Butler – Namens die RESA-bedryfskomitee
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