P O BOX 44937 CLAREMONT 7735 Ph 028 273 8089; 028 273 8095 14 December 2017 Dear Rooiels Homeowners RESA UPDATE It has been a while since our last update was sent out at the beginning of September. During this period there has been much RESA activity in our efforts towards making Rooiels a safer place. The very positive news is that there have been no crime incidents since we last communicated. This very pleasing outcome is the result of the efforts of many members of the community all contributing in different ways. However we must not drop our guard and with the holiday season starting vigilance must be increased as those with criminal intent will see it as an opportunity to take advantage of increased numbers of people in the village and therefore more scope to commit their crimes. Please ensure that valuables are kept in safe places and keep garages locked and very importantly ensure alarms are switched on at night or when houses are not being occupied during the day. The camera coverage in the village has been increased and there are now 27 cameras around the village. These are monitored from the office and by volunteers from their homes. The recent camera additions were made possible by the very generous donations received from a number of homeowners and we are very grateful for this support as we would not be able to improve our security efforts without it. The cameras played a critical role in a recent incident in the village where there was successful recovery of goods removed without permission. REC had been donated fishing netting to use in the rehabilitation of dunes near the point. The netting had been stored near the site and it was removed by persons who felt it was theirs to claim. The incident was captured on one of the cameras and as a result of the camera evidence the perpetrators were tracked down by the police and the netting recovered and returned to Rooiels for use on the dunes. The RESA AGM will be held on Wednesday 20 December 2017 at 10h00 at Erf 124. One of the agenda items will be the RESA fees for 2018. We are proposing a fee of R125 per month for an annual total of R1 500. Last year it was R1 320. We now have a lot of capital equipment to maintain and insure and it is essential that we have reserve funds for this purpose. We also now have the office open 6 days a week from 09h00 to 15h00 for your convenience and to provide assistance as needed. It is very well looked after by Ina van der Sandt and Griet Odendaal. The efforts of all involved in supporting RESA have resulted in crime in Rooiels dropping from 47 incidents in 2016 to 5 incidents this year 3 of which were the same person and he was apprehended. This is a very satisfactory outcome and the result of a lot of effort by many people as well as incredible support from the community. We must strive to maintain this as the norm in Rooiels. The R1 500 proposed annual fee can be paid as an annual payment in advance which is preferred as it helps RESA’s cash flows. It can also be paid in half yearly instalments of R750 or quarterly payments of R375 and of course monthly payments of R125. Preferred payment method is EFT to the RESA bank account or by cheque at the office. Cash is acceptable but there are bank charges that get levied with cash payments. The RESA bank details for fees are: Nedbank Corporate Saver Branch – code 198765 Account number 9018382109 Account type – Savings Deposit reference – Surname and Erf no Your membership of RESA is important to us and is appreciated. It helps us in our efforts “To Make Rooiels A Safer Place For All “ We wish you all very happy and safe festive season and New Year. Mark Butler For RESA Ops Comm MAKING ROOIELS A SAFER PLACE REGISTRATION NUMBER 2014/109464/08 DIRECTORS: A D BAIGRIE, M R BUTLER
RESA BlogNews and information on Security Issues in Rooiels Archives
January 2018
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