P O BOX 44937 CLAREMONT 7735 Ph 028 273 8089; 028 273 8095 NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURES DUE TO NIGHT WORK The R44 will be closed between Rooi-Els & Gordon’s Bay from 20:00 on Tuesday, 30 January 2018 till 05:00 on Wednesday, 31 January 2018 for maintenance work on the Steenbras Bridge Contact: Henk on 082 779 0673 The Western Cape Government is working hard to maintain our roads. Please drive carefully during this period of construction. Let us work together to ensure that our roads are safe. BETTER TOGETHER. MAKING ROOIELS A SAFER PLACE REGISTRATION NUMBER 2014/109464/08 DIRECTORS: A D BAIGRIE, M R BUTLER
P O BOX 44937 CLAREMONT 7735 Ph 028 273 8089; 028 273 8095 14 December 2017 Dear Rooiels Homeowners RESA UPDATE It has been a while since our last update was sent out at the beginning of September. During this period there has been much RESA activity in our efforts towards making Rooiels a safer place. The very positive news is that there have been no crime incidents since we last communicated. This very pleasing outcome is the result of the efforts of many members of the community all contributing in different ways. However we must not drop our guard and with the holiday season starting vigilance must be increased as those with criminal intent will see it as an opportunity to take advantage of increased numbers of people in the village and therefore more scope to commit their crimes. Please ensure that valuables are kept in safe places and keep garages locked and very importantly ensure alarms are switched on at night or when houses are not being occupied during the day. The camera coverage in the village has been increased and there are now 27 cameras around the village. These are monitored from the office and by volunteers from their homes. The recent camera additions were made possible by the very generous donations received from a number of homeowners and we are very grateful for this support as we would not be able to improve our security efforts without it. The cameras played a critical role in a recent incident in the village where there was successful recovery of goods removed without permission. REC had been donated fishing netting to use in the rehabilitation of dunes near the point. The netting had been stored near the site and it was removed by persons who felt it was theirs to claim. The incident was captured on one of the cameras and as a result of the camera evidence the perpetrators were tracked down by the police and the netting recovered and returned to Rooiels for use on the dunes. The RESA AGM will be held on Wednesday 20 December 2017 at 10h00 at Erf 124. One of the agenda items will be the RESA fees for 2018. We are proposing a fee of R125 per month for an annual total of R1 500. Last year it was R1 320. We now have a lot of capital equipment to maintain and insure and it is essential that we have reserve funds for this purpose. We also now have the office open 6 days a week from 09h00 to 15h00 for your convenience and to provide assistance as needed. It is very well looked after by Ina van der Sandt and Griet Odendaal. The efforts of all involved in supporting RESA have resulted in crime in Rooiels dropping from 47 incidents in 2016 to 5 incidents this year 3 of which were the same person and he was apprehended. This is a very satisfactory outcome and the result of a lot of effort by many people as well as incredible support from the community. We must strive to maintain this as the norm in Rooiels. The R1 500 proposed annual fee can be paid as an annual payment in advance which is preferred as it helps RESA’s cash flows. It can also be paid in half yearly instalments of R750 or quarterly payments of R375 and of course monthly payments of R125. Preferred payment method is EFT to the RESA bank account or by cheque at the office. Cash is acceptable but there are bank charges that get levied with cash payments. The RESA bank details for fees are: Nedbank Corporate Saver Branch – code 198765 Account number 9018382109 Account type – Savings Deposit reference – Surname and Erf no Your membership of RESA is important to us and is appreciated. It helps us in our efforts “To Make Rooiels A Safer Place For All “ We wish you all very happy and safe festive season and New Year. Mark Butler For RESA Ops Comm MAKING ROOIELS A SAFER PLACE REGISTRATION NUMBER 2014/109464/08 DIRECTORS: A D BAIGRIE, M R BUTLER ROOIELS SECURITY ASSOCIATION NPC
P O BOX 44937 CLAREMONT 7735 Ph 028 273 8089; 028 273 8095 22 March 2017 Dear Rooiels Homeowners THE FIRE AND OTHER RESA UPDATES RESA extends its sympathies to the Silbernagel and Lindsay families on the tragic loss of their homes in the fire on 19 March. We also empathise with those homeowners who suffered fire damage to their properties. It was a harrowing day and night with many being evacuated from the village as the fire threat grew. The firefighting services from Overstrand, Pringle Bay, Cape Nature, Working on Fire and Cape Town did a good job and without doubt prevented greater loss of property. At the same time Rooiels can be very proud of the way the many members of the community rallied to support the firefighting efforts both directly and indirectly. The support that was given to the firefighting teams was superb and thanks to all who contributed food and refreshments as that was much needed by the fire teams some of whom who had been on shift for 24 hours by the time they stood down on Monday morning. The RESA infrastructure and many of its members were invaluable in providing support to the firefighting activities. The RESA office was opened on Sunday once the fire broke out and was the hub for much of the co-ordination activity. It remained opened throughout the night and was the depot for all the food and refreshments for the fire teams when they took well deserved breaks from the fire line. The RESA BlockWatch forum and the patrol group were very involved in supporting the firefighting. The RESA radio network became a critical communication tool as cell phone and landline communications were lost in many parts of the village as a result of the fire. The radio network enabled the users give immediate feedback to the coordinators about where threatening flare ups were taking place and this resulted in firefighting support being sent to those areas and the threat of damage to property was minimised. Somerset West Neighbourhood Watch were picking up our communications and aware of what was going on and were ready to assist if needed. The radio network is a very valuable communication and safety initiative for the village. It has been tried and tested and worked in a time of crisis and we once again encourage members to acquire a radio and become part of the Rooiels radio network. Finally a big thanks to the coordinators and all those BlockWatch and Patrol Group members who assisted in many ways to help combat the very serious fire threat that the village faced. CCTV Camera Update The installation of the RESA CCTV camera network was completed on Saturday 11 March and there are now 7 camera installations monitoring all main access points into and out of Rooiels. The cameras will be monitored from the RESA office by the response officers on duty and will also be monitored off site by volunteer groups thereby giving increased security monitoring capability. The camera network has the capability for very efficient remote monitoring and this will be a further security enhancement. The camera facing the beach is an infrared device which will provide an alert for any intrusions into the village from the beach, particularly at night. It is not a normal CCTV camera so will not project clear picture images of beach users and as such will not interfere with the personal privacy of beach users. The cameras have been a key objective for security enhancement in Rooiels and RESA will ensure they are used to maximum efficiency. A special word of thanks to the homeowners who have allowed the cameras to draw power from their homes and to Dick Lockley for the many hours of effort he put in to ensure the cameras were positioned correctly and supplied power. Key Storage Facility The RESA key storage facility is now available to members who wish to have house keys retained in Rooiels in a secure facility with controlled access to their house keys. This is a service to members at no cost. Members wishing to use the RESA key storage facility must please contact Ina van der Sandt at the RESA office to get the required documentation to make use of the service. Keys will be signed out to users and service providers authorised by homeowners with strict controls and logging of key movements. Service Providers will include ASK Security if authorised by the homeowner. Rooiels has endured and come through a very serious threat in the form of the fire. Sadly it is not without its losses and damage. There is much that will be learnt from this to ensure that any future threats of this nature find us even better prepared and able to meet our objective of enhanced safety and security in Rooiels. Mark Butler For RESA Ops Comm MAKING ROOIELS A SAFER PLACE REGISTRATION NUMBER 2014/109464/08 DIRECTORS: A D BAIGRIE, M R BUTLER INCREASED SECURITY MONITORING FOR ROOIELS
RESA has been very active since the start of the year on a number of fronts. One of the very positive outcomes of this activity is that there is going to be significantly enhanced CCTV surveillance camera monitoring of the village access points before the end of February. The RESA Ops Comm has engaged extensively with the suppliers in order to get the best solutions for surveillance monitoring for Rooiels. After a thorough process of assessment and discussion by RESA Ops Comm the placement of additional cameras for Rooiels has been agreed on and installation will be going ahead shortly. Cameras will be placed at the Porter Drive entrance which will also cover the Klein Rooiels entrance, at Roella Road entrance, at the smallholdings gate, at the south end of Ocean View Road, at the lagoon to cover access from the road and at a position overlooking the main beach. These 6 additional camera points add considerable surveillance monitoring capacity to the village and are an important addition to the security infrastructure in Rooiels. Once again a big thank you to those that have contributed to the RESA sponsors fund. Your support has made this all possible. A meeting has also been held with ASK Management as part of the ongoing engagement and review process of the service contract between ASK and RESA. These meetings are held several times a year and are an important part of the process of ensuring that security services are being provided as intended in the agreement between RESA and ASK. The recent communications sent out by ASK in respect of the Key Service fee and the survey about a patrolling service were also discussed to get clarification on them. ASK have initiated a fee for their key retention service as they have found that a considerable amount of the response officers time was being taken up on key administration and this was impacting on their duties. They have taken on staff to administer the key retention service and alleviate the response officers of this responsibility. The result is that the ASK key retention service is now a fee paying service. RESA is in the process of initiating a key retention service for Rooiels homeowners and this will be a service to members at no cost. The key safe has been installed and the process for key management is in place. It will be a convenience service and will not be accessible at all times but arrangements made in advance will facilitate key access outside of the usual RESA office hours. The RESA key retention service will start by the end of February. The ASK survey about a dedicated patrolling service was just that. It was aimed at seeing what response and interest there would be in a dedicated patrolling service in the Overstrand villages where it provides security services. Any such service would be a cost over and above the response monitoring fees that homeowners currently pay for. It will only be introduced if it is financially viable for ASK. RESA’s view is that such a service will not be feasible in Rooiels so it is not been factored into any of the security enhancement plans for the village. RESA does however strongly believe that the volunteer patrolling services being undertaken by the patrolling group are a significant deterrent to unwanted intruders in the village and this has contributed to the very low number of incidents of crime we have had over the past few months. Those homeowners that can and are willing are encouraged to participate in the patrolling schedule even if on an occasional basis when in Rooiels. The Rooiels radio system is operational and RESA does have a supply of radios for those who would like to purchase one and be part of the radio system. It is an important part of the overall security strategy for the village and it is now important that the radio system becomes fully functional 24/7. Please contact Ina van der Sandt at the RESA office for the details. Thank you to all homeowners who have paid their 2017 RESA member fees. Your ongoing support enables us to continue working towards our objective of making Rooiels a safer place. Safety and security is our priority. Mark Butler For RESA Ops Comm
RESA AGM MINUTES MINUTES OF THE 2ND RESA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 20 DECEMBER 2016 AT 09:30 AT ERF 124 PRIESTLYA ROAD PRESENT: RESA OPS COM: Mark Butler (Chairman) Diarmuid Baigrie, Wessie van der Westhuizen, Duncan Hiles, Dick Lockley and Sub Committee members Peter Koning, Hilgard Muller, Ernst Thompson with apologies from David and Shelley Blake and Willie Boltmann. Thirty eight members of the Rooiels Community also attended together with an invited guest Mr. John Kleyn of the Helderberg Neighbourhood Watch. Apologies were received from: Sandra Yeo, Marais Stofberg, Stewart Waddell, Geoff & Lynne Harris, Estelle and Frank Raymond, Andre Badenhorst, Bob Baigrie, Nicky Krone, Riel Buys. MINUTES OF THE AGM HELD ON 28 DECEMBER 2015 The Chairman read the Minutes of the first AGM to the meeting and these were accepted unanimously. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Chairman read his report; extracts included:
FINANCES RESA member subscriptions had been set at R100 p.m. or R1 200 p.a. These subs covered all RESA expenses such as rental, salary, electricity and many other sundry expenses. A carry over onto the new financial year of R20 000 would be done. It was proposed to increase the subs by 10% for 2017 to R110 p.m. or R1320 p.a. Ernst Thompson proposed the motion which was seconded by Piet Uys and carried. Mr Peter Ellis asked if there was any intention of going back to the members if an increase in fees was needed and the Chairman replied that he did not foresee this happening at this stage. He also pointed out that the donations/sponsorships received are held in a separate bank account and will not be used for daily operational expenses but for cap ex only. BLOCKWATCH AND PATROLLERS Three Whatsapp groups have been formed- one for Neighbourhood Watch (Blockwatch) security related matters, run by Shelley Blake, another for Patrol Group mattersrun by Peter Koning and a third one for social Rooiels matters run by Linda Hiles. Members were asked to ensure that a strict division of these subject matters is adhered to. A serious deficit in the numbers of volunteers for night vehicle patrols is now being experienced and more volunteers are urgently required to boost the numbers currently doing all the patrols- note only 8 active members are patrolling with this number being often reduced to only 4. Volunteers are requested to contact Peter Koning as soon as possible please. Peter Koning noted that complaints had been received about the use by the night patrols of bright flashing strobe lights. He said that these lights were essential to create the highly visible presence we were seeking as they provide an effective deterrent to crime. He also emphasized the need to restrict use of the Blockwatch Whatsapp to only those events which were security related. He said the advent of the radios to all patrollers would make their task considerably more efficient as the radio will be much easier and quicker to use instead of having to text a message in the dark. He also asked members to ensure that their erf numbers were clearly and visibly displayed on their property so that emergency response vehicles can find the erf quickly. He again emphasized the need for the patrollers to be highly visible by using the strobe lights thus making a high impact in the area with the aim being to chase away the criminals. There is no doubt that this strategy is working. John Kleyn addressed the meeting after being introduced by Mark Butler who thanked him for the tremendous help and advice he had given to the RESA Ops Comm. He had installed a Radio Repeater set up on Mark’s roof which has resulted in clear radio communications throughout Rooiels and stretching right through to the Helderberg stations. The licence for the radio network is currently being approved. A form was circulated for signature by all attending to ensure that agreement can be speedily reached with the authorities regarding radio licences. Once the 35 radios that have been bought are issued to the individuals who have ordered them, radio protocols will be issued. CCTV The initial quotes received for the camera coverage by infra- red cameras to cover access routes to Rooiels was extremely expensive. Knowing we could not afford the costs involved we sought John Kleyn’s advice. He put us on to another firm and within two weeks of making contact with this firm our first two cameras have been installed on the main entrance to Rooiels and are already operating most effectively. These cameras and the installation thereof have come at significantly reduced prices. We are most appreciative for the efforts and advice of Mr John Kleyn. Further discussions and recces will be made in the New Year to cover access from the beach area and any other vulnerable access routes into Rooiels. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH John Kleyn addressed the meeting on Neighbourhood Watches stating that they are a highly effective tool and a powerful resource to fight crime and to assist the SAPS in a legitimate way. It is very empowering to the Community to be involved in a Neighbourhood Watch. The activities of Neighbourhood Watches do not solve crime but they certainly deter criminals. We are shortly to be accredited as a Rooiels Neighbourhood Watch and this certification will greatly improve our legitimacy and give us further powers. RESTRICTED ACCESS Diarmuid Baigrie then spoke on the RESA plans to close Porter Drive after dark each day and open the gate at daylight. He took our reasoning and plans to a discussion with Mr Desmond Lakay of the Kleinmond Municipality as we knew that some authority would be required for us to go ahead with this plan. Although Diarmuid explained the intention to restrict access by night to only one entrance to Rooiels for specific security reasons the plan did not meet with Mr Lakay’s approval. He stated that it was “against the Constitution because it restricted the freedom of movement of people”. He also said that the Overstrand did not want “gated communities”. He then suggested that Rooiels take the plan to the Municipal Manager at Hermanus for their consideration and also suggested that Rooiels lease the road i.e. Porter Drive, from the Municipality. All these options will be explored in the New Year. In the meantime community buy-in will be sought as the restriction of access to one road only, well covered by an efficient camera network, is essential to the security plan for Rooiels. ELECTION OF OFFICE RESA BEARERS The Chairman noted that all existing office bearers were prepared to continue to serve on the RESA Committees and sub committees. The meeting unanimously agreed to the re-appointment of the whole committee. CLARENCE DRIVE/R 44 ACTION GROUP Wolfgang Steinbach then briefed members on the group that has been formed to take action about the misconception held by the Overstrand Municipality that the R 44 by-passes Rooiels. The group intend to find a suitable expert to stress the facts showing how the R44 is actually part of Rooiels and how it divides the village. It is therefore essential that action is taken to ensure traffic calming measures are instituted as well as the construction of pedestrian crossings and footpaths along the R 44. He said that he will be briefing both the REC and RERA AGMs about the progress made by this Action Group and would keep RESA informed as well. OPEN DISCUSSION The following points were raised:
The Chairman thanked all members for their attendance and for their contribution to the meeting and for their support during the year. There being no further business the meeting closed at 10:38. RECORDED Dick Lockley 21 December 2016 RESA – NOTULE VAN DIE AJV NOTULE VAN DIE 2DE RESA ALGEMENE JAARVERGADERING GEHOU OP 20 DESEMBER 2016 OM 09:30 TE ERF 124, PRIESTLYA STRAAT, ROOIELS. TEENWOORDIG: RESA OPS. KOM.: Mark Butler (Voorsitter), Wessie van der Westhuizen, Duncan Hiles, Dick Lockley en sub-komitee lede: Peter Koning. Hilgard Muller, Ernst Thompson met verskoning van Dawid & Shelley Blake en Willie Boltman. Agt en dertig bykomende lede van die Rooiels gemeenskap het ook die vergadering bygewoon met John Kleyn van Helderberg Buurtwag as genooide gas. Verskonings is ontvang van Sandra Yeo, Marais Stofberg, Steward Waddell, Geoff & Lynne Harris, Frank Raymond, Andre Badenhorst, Bob Baigrie, Nicky Krone and Riel Buys. NOTULE VAN DIE AJV VAN 28 DESEMBER 2015 Die voorsitter lees die notule van die eerste AJV en dit word algemeen aanvaar. VOORSITTER VERSLAG Die Voorsitter lees sy verslag en die volgende punte word uitgelig:
FINANSIES Die RESA ledegeld was R100,00 of R1 200,00 per jaar vir 2016.Dit het al ons uitgawes soos huur, salarisse, elektrisiteit en ander items gedek. Daar was ‘n oorskot van R20 000,00 wat na 2017 oorgedra sal word. Dit is voorgestel dat die gelde met 10% verhoog word tot R110,00 per maand of R1 320,00 per jaar. Voorgestel deur Ernst Thompson en gesekondeer deur Piet Uys en daarna algemeen aanvaar. Peter Ellis vra of daar weer na die lede gegaan sal word indien meer fondse benodig sal word. Die Voorsitter voorsien egter nie op die stadium dat dit nodig sal wees nie en beklemtoon dat die borggelde in ‘n afsonderlike rekening gehou word en nie deel van die lopende rekening is nie. BUURTWAG EN PATROLLEERDERS Daar is drie “whatsapp”-groepe gevorm
‘n Ernstige tekort aan patrolleerders snags word ondervind en ons versoek vrywilligers om asseblief met die diens te help. Daar is tans slegs 8 aktiewe lede en die syfer daal gereeld tot 4. Vrywilligers word aangemoedig om Peter Koning so spoedig moontlik te kontak. Peter Koning noem dat klagtes ontvang is oor die gebruik van die stroboskopiese ligte deur die patrolleerders. Dit moet egter beklemtoon word dat hierdie ligte uitstekend werk vir sigbaarheid, wat die hoofdoel van die patrollering is en wat die misdaad element effektief beheer. Dit word ook beklemtoon dat dit die “blockwatch App” uitsluitlik vir die doel gebruik moet word. Sodra radio’s ontvang word, sal dit ook die taak van die patrolleerders baie vergemaklik vir spoedige en effektiewe kommunikasie. Hy wys ook na erfnommers by eiendomme en versoek dat groot en sigbare nommers aangebring word om spoedige diens te verseker. Nadat Mark Johan Kleyn voorgestel en bedank het vir sy ondersteuning aan dIe RESA OPPS. Kom., spreek hy die vergadering toe. Hy het die radioseinversterker op Mark se huis geinstalleer wat uitstekend werk. Die radiolisensie is in die proses van goedkeuring en ‘n vorm vir die handtekeninge van die lede is gesirkuleer, sodat finale dokumentasie spoedig afgehandel kan word. Sodra die 35 aangekoopte radios uitgereik word aan die persone, wat bestel het, sal radioprotokol ingestel word . CCTV (geslotebaantelevisie) Die eerste kwotasies vir ‘n kamera, om die toegangsroetes na Rooiels te monitor, was baie duur en omdat dit onbekostigbaar was, is John Kleyn vir hulp genader. Hy het ons na ‘n ander firma verwys en twee weke later, is ons eerste twee kameras by die hoofingang geinstalleer, dit teen ‘n fraksie van die eerste koste. Ons waardeer hierdie hulp van John en beoog om vroeg in 2017 uit te brei op die kameras en ook om dekking van die strandgebied te verkry. BUURTWAG John beklemtoon dat buurtwag ‘n uitstekende en effektiewe manier is om misdaad te beveg, asook om die SAPD wettiglik by te staan met misdaadbekamping . Buurtwag los nie misdaad op nie, maar bekamp dit grootliks,. Ons word binnekort geakrediteer as Rooiels Buurtwag en dit sal ons wettigheid verbeter en ook groter magte aan ons verskaf. BEPERKTE TOEGANG Diarmuid Baigrie bespreek die planne om later ook Porterweg snags te sluit vir toegang. Hy het dit met Mnr. Desmond Lakay van Kleinmond Munisipaliteit bespreek om toestemming van die owerhede te verkry. Alhoewel Diarmuid dit duidelik gestel dat dit slegs in die nag gesluit sal word, wou Mnr. Lakay nie die aksie goedkeur nie. Hy beweer dat dit teen die grondwet is om vrye beweging van mense te beperk en dat Overstrand nie geslote gemeenskappe wil skep nie. Hy stel voor dat Rooiels die saak voorlê aan die Munisipale Bestuurder in Hermanus vir hulle oorweging. Porterweg kan blykbaar ook van die Munisipaliteit gehuur word waar ons dan vir die onderhoud verantwoordelik sal wees. Verdere werk in verband sal in 2017 gedoen word. Intussen sal ons die gemeenskap probeer oorreed dat daar voortgegaan moet word met die bogenoemde stappe. VERKIESING VAN RESA KOMITEE Die Voorsitter noem dat alle huidige lede beskikbaar is vir nog ‘n termyn waarna almal eenparig besluit dat die komitee vir nog ‘n termyn moet voortgaan. CLARENCEWEG/R44 AKSIEGROEP Wolfgang Steinbach gee verslag oor die stigting van die groep. Die probleem is dat die R44 Rooiels verdeel wat dit verpligtend maak dat die owerhede spoedbeperkings implimenteer, voetoorgange en voetpaaie aanbring. Hierdie saak sal ook op REBV en Bewarea jaarvergaderings bespreek word en terugvoering sal gegee word aan RESA. BESPREKINGS Die volgende is genoem:
Die vergadering verdaag om 10h38. Aangeteken Dick Lockley 21 Desember 2016 ROOIELS SECURITY ASSOCIATION NPC
P O BOX 44937 CLAREMONT 7735 Ph 028 273 8089; 028 273 8095 21 November 2016 Dear Rooiels Homeowners A small and dedicated group of RESA volunteers have established a Block Watch WhatsApp platform and night time patrolling roster. We want to inform all homeowners about these community based initiatives and more importantly encourage participation by homeowners. BLOCK WATCH WHATSAPP PLATFORM The rationale behind the Rooiels BW Whatsapp group is the following.
BLOCK WATCH ADMINISTRATOR SHELLY BLAKE 0847021241 OVERALL COORDINATOR PETER KONING 0824911463 There is also a more social Whatsapp group for general non-security related information sharing: VILLAGE PEOPLE LINDA HILES 0832260044 This is an important initiative and will be most successful with as much support in terms of time and effort as can be given by as many volunteers as possible. A crime free festive season is the objective so let’s make it happen. Regards Mark Butler – For RESA Ops Comm MAKING ROOIELS A SAFER PLACE REGISTRATION NUMBER 2014/109464/08 DIRECTORS: A D BAIGRIE, M R BUTLER Yesterday (17 November) a report noting suspicious vehicles, a black golf and silver Toyota leaving Rooiels was the beginning of us fighting back and the RE Patrol group sprang into action.
Three vehicles all with darkly tinted windows were seen parked at the second parking place along R44 towards Gordons Bay – a blue Toyota CA 706957; silver Tazz CA 36687 and CA 602529. ASK had seen the silver Tazz loading bags in Pringle Bay earlier in the day. DAFF (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) were notified and they contacted Gordons Bay SAPS to watch out for them. The situation in Rooiels quietened down. Meanwhile, there was another Block Watch notice reporting the vehicles at the “big house”, aka African House, African Bank House, Terminal 5 and the house on the point – erf 115. DAFF was there too but could not find anything. Shortly after this there was a report that they had been spotted by DAFF and apprehended but they had nothing with them so could not be arrested. At about 20:00, we were notified of cars in Ocean View Drive again and a white Golf was seen leaving Rooiels. ASK and DAFF were on the scene and felt sure that the cars were waiting for the divers. Rooiels patrollers also responded to the reports and drove around the village following up on sightings but things quietened down for a while with nothing being seen. An hour later, Emile, the duty response officer from ASK, responded to a call at Grace (Mary Comrie’s house, erf 192) and came face to face with eight men who had been hiding there. They scattered into the bush when he shone his torch on them. Patrollers were out in force to track them. SAPS was called and cars moved slowly around areas in Rooiels where they had been seen, people shone torches into the bushes (and set off a few alarms) and generally made things uncomfortable for the criminals who must have been hiding in the dense and scratchy fynbos. Unfortunately they were not caught but their operation has no doubt suffered a setback. The two community security Whatsapp groups, Rooiels Blockwatch and RE Patrol, were abuzz with information including sightings and movements of suspicious vehicles and people; which Rooielsers were providing backup; which enforcement agencies had been informed or responded, etc. This was very useful to those of us who had responded, and really proved the worth of these initiatives. Three cheers for Rooiels. Dear Rooiels Homeowners ROOIELS BASED SECURITY A REALITY AT LAST At the RESA Annual General Meeting held on 28 December a proposal from ASK for a 12 hour 7 days a week night time Rooiels based security monitoring and response presence, was tabled. This proposal involves 2 security guards on duty with a response vehicle based in the RESA office every night. This is a significant start to improving security in Rooiels and the acceptance of the proposal was a unanimous decision by all members present. The service will commence by the end of January but there will hopefully be an incremental increase in the ASK security presence at the RESA office before then. The proposal and decision is the outcome of a long process of securing sufficient support for a Rooiels based security service and engaging with ASK to make this a reality. We thank all the 165 Rooiels homeowners who have given their support for the RESA initiative and encourage those who have not to consider doing so. This will bring down the cost per owner for all owners and help build the community spirit we seek. The cost to homeowners for the increased security presence will be R100 per month. This will be allocated to the RESA office costs and to the ASK charge for the extra dedicated Rooiels service. The RESA office will be manned during the week on some mornings by a RESA appointed person to deal with homeowners liaison and RESA administration. The manner in which the payments will function is for homeowners to pay their normal monthly security fees directly to ASK and to pay the RESA fee of R100 to RESA. We encourage homeowners to pay this RESA fee annually ie.R1 200.00 this January (first choice), six monthly or quarterly in advance, starting with effect 1 January 2016. The bank details for the RESA fee are different to the bank account that has been used by members to pay the monthly ASK security fee and is the following: RESA Reserve Account Nedbank Branch Code 198765 Account number 9018382109 Account type – savings Deposit reference – your surname and erf no Members who have been paying their monthly security fees through RESA will be communicated with about switching payments to ASK directly and be given a final RESA statement for their security fees received and paid. The reason for this change is that RESA will not be contractually liable for the monthly security fees and therefore carries no risk in respect of those payments. The RESA fees paid by members are what makes the Rooiels based security possible. We will require each RESA member to sign the constitution as acceptance of membership and an agreement between RESA and the member. There will be further communication as the implementation of this long awaited outcome takes place. Thank you to all homeowners who have supported RESA to make this possible and to the RESA operating committee for the significant work, time and effort that they have given to realising this objective of Rooiels based security. Mark Butler Chairperson - For the RESA Operations Committee ROOI ELS SECURITY ASSOCIATION NPC P O BOX 44937 CLAREMONT 7735 Ph 028 273 8089 MAKING ROOI ELS A SAFER PLACE REGISTRATION NUMBER 2014/109464/08 DIRECTORS: A D BAIGRIE, M R BUTLER, G A McCLELAND ROOIELS-GEBASSEERDE SEKURITEIT UITEINDELIK ‘N REALITEIT 29 Desember 2015
Beste Rooielsers ROOIELS-GEBASSEERDE SEKURITEIT UITEINDELIK ‘N REALITEIT ‘n Voorstel van ASK vir ‘n 12 uur 7 dae per week Rooiels-gebasseerde sekuriteitsmonitering en -reaksie teenwoordigheid is tydens die RESA Algemene Jaarvergadering wat op 28 Desember 2015 gehou is, ter tafel gelê. Hierdie voorstel sluit in twee sekuriteitswagte aan diens met ‘n reaksievoertuig wat elke nag gebasseer sal wees in die RESA-kantoor. Hierdie is ‘n betekenisvolle begin aan die verbetering van sekuriteit op Rooiels en die voorstel is eenparig aanvaar tydens hierdie vergadering. Die diens sal teen die einde van Januarie in werking gestel word, maar daar sal hopelik nog voor dan ‘n oplopende toename in die ASK sekuriteitsteenwoordigheid in die RESA-kantoor wees. Die voorstel en besluit is die gevolg van ‘n lang proses om voldoende ondersteuning vir ‘n Rooiels-gebasseerde sekuriteitsdiens te bekom en ook onderhandelings met ASK om hierdie plan ‘n realiteit te maak. Ons bedank die 165 Rooiels-huiseienaars wat hulle steun vir die RESA-inisiatief toegesê het en ons moedig dié wat dit nog nie gedoen het nie aan om te oorweeg om dit te doen. Dit sal ‘n vermindering in kostes per eienaar tot gevolg hê en bydra tot die gemeenskapsgees waarna ons streef. Die koste vir die vermeerderde sekuriteitsteenwoordigheid sal vir huiseienaars R100 per maand beloop. Hierdie bedrag sal toegewys word aan die RESA-kantoor uitgawes asook die ASK-kostes vir die addisionele toegewysde Rooiels-diens. Die RESA-kantoor sal party oggende deur die week beman word deur ‘n RESA-aangestelde persoon wat skakeling met huiseienaars asook RESA-administrasie sal behartig. Betaling sal soos volg werk: huiseienaars sal hul maandelikse sekuriteitsfooi direk aan ASK betaal en die RESA-fooi van R100 per maand direk aan RESA betaal. Ons moedig eienaars aan om hul RESA-fooi òf jaarliks, m.a.w. R1200.00 (eerste keuse), halfjaarliks of kwartaalliks vooruit te betaal met ingang 1 Januarie 2016. Die bankbesonderhede vir die RESA-fooi verskil van die bankrekening wat tot dusver gebruik is en is soos volg: RESA Reserve Account Nedbank Takkode 198765 Rekeningnommer 9018382109 Rekeningtipe – spaar Inbetalingverwysing – jou naam en erfnommer Daar sal met lede wat hul maandelikse sekuriteitsfooie deur RESA betaal het, gekommunikeer word aangaande die oorskakeling om ASK se fooi direk aan hulle te betaal en ‘n finale RESA-staat vir alle fooie reeds ontvang en oorbetaal sal aan hulle gestuur word. Die rede vir hierdie verandering is dat RESA nie wetlik aanspreeklik sal wees vir die betaal van die maandelikse sekuritetitsfooie nie en dus geen risiko sal dra in daardie verband nie. Dis lede se RESA-fooie wat die Rooiels-gebasseerde sekuriteit moontlik maak. Ons sal van elke RESA-lid vereis om die grondwet te teken as aanvaarding van lidmaatskap en as onderneming tussen RESA en die lid. Daar sal verdere kommunikasie plaasvind soos hierdie langverwagte plan in werking gestel word. Dankie aan alle huiseienaars wat RESA ondersteun het om hierdie plan moontlik te maak en aan die RESA-bedryfskomitee vir hulle aansienlike hoeveelheid werk, tyd en moeite om dit moontlik te maak. Mark Butler – Namens die RESA-bedryfskomitee Suggested blog tag categories
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