Please share any comments you would like to have included in RERA Feedback to the Ward, send to [email protected] or pass directly to Anuta Scholtz, Rooiels Ward representative.
1 Comment
Consumers with conservancy or septic tanks that cannot connect to a sewerage network, may apply to have their tariff changed at the beginning of a financial year and before 30 September, or with a change in the property's occupancy status. These are the two options available: Option 1: (Single Residential consumers) Pay a basic fee of R106.85 plus the infrastructure levy of R14.98 per month only, with the understanding that every time a tanker service is requested, this service will be charged at R729.43 per 6kl or part thereof (office hours, i.e. weekdays before 15:00) or R1 458.87 per 6kl or part thereof (after hours) per removal. Option 2: (Single Residential consumers) Pay a basic fee of R158.57 plus R17.86 per kℓ of water used per month, based on a maximum of 35 kℓ per month (70% of 50 kℓ), plus the infrastructure levy of R14.98 per month, which will entitle you to tanker callouts during office hours at no additional charge. As per option 1 above, all after hours tanker service requests, will be charged at R1 458.87 per 6kl or part thereof. Application forms are available on, click on Documents, click on Forms. All applications must be received by the Municipality no later than 30 September 2022. Should you require further information and/or advice in this regard, please feel free to contact Overstrand's Rates and Data Control Office on Tel 028 313 8000 or via email [email protected]. Issued by: Overstrand Municipal Manager, Dean O'Neill
You can download the full drafts from the document links. The OM advertisement is loaded onto this blog for quick references
Western Cape Provincial Coastal Management Programme 2022 - 2027 (April 2022) This second-generation PCMP builds upon the strengths and successes of the 2016 PCMP and is informed by inputs received through stakeholder engagement and a gender analysis that has incorporated a human rights-based approach. The programme supports the implementation of current legal mandates, policies, strategies, and projects, specifically in respect to enabling local Government and creating a clearly mandated transversal system closely linked to the green and blue economy
Official documents received from OM