Western Cape Provincial Coastal Management Programme 2022 - 2027 (April 2022) This second-generation PCMP builds upon the strengths and successes of the 2016 PCMP and is informed by inputs received through stakeholder engagement and a gender analysis that has incorporated a human rights-based approach. The programme supports the implementation of current legal mandates, policies, strategies, and projects, specifically in respect to enabling local Government and creating a clearly mandated transversal system closely linked to the green and blue economy ![]()
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These documents were received in respect of the IDP and the Budget from the Ward Secretary on 13th April 2022.
This meeting was attended by two Rooiels members who prepared the report posted on RERA Ward Feedback on 2nd April. These Minutes were received on Monday 11th April. The Agenda for the joint Ward 9 and Ward 10 Meeting to be held on 12th April is limited to the IDP and the Budget. SEE The Full Amended IDP document in the 9th April post immediately below this post This draft and a meeting notice was emailed to the Ward Representative at 1600 on Friday 8th April 2022 together with notice that the Ward 10 meeting postponed from 15th March 2022, would now be held as a joint Ward 9 and Ward 10 meeting with a focus on discussing the IDP and the Budget. Below is the Document which is also available on the Overstrand Municipal website. Provincial Notice 28th January 2022 - comments are required by 4th March 2022 Section 5(1) of the National Estuarine Management Protocol, 2021 (the NEMP), provides that, where an estuary falls within the boundary of a municipality, the provincial environmental department must develop an EMP in consultation with affected municipalities and the relevant national government departments Written representations and objections on the draft EMPs may be submitted before or on 4 March 2022 by— (a) posting (b) emailing the representations or objections to: [email protected]; or Download the PDF of the Draft EMP for the Rooiels River Estuary - or get the link to see other River Estuaries from the Provincial Notice of the Estuarine policy for comment document.
Craig Mitchell, Manager Solid Waste Planning made a presentation confirming that the OM have started recycling. The clear plastic bags are picked up by the trucks and separated at Kleinmond from the black bags. The clear bags then go to Hermanus where any large cardboard is separated first and the rest goes onto a conveyer and then a "picker" at each station picks out the things she is assigned to retrieve and drops them down a shute into bags which are then compressed. They prefer it if the tops of plastic bottles and glass bottles are separated from the bottle. There are still a few private recycling companies operating that collect from supermarkets etc. Download the presentation: ![]()
In a memo circulated on 17th February an extension was given for Final comments to reach the Fire Chief, Lester Smith, via email at [email protected] on or before 04 March 2022.02.17 ![]()
Official documents received from OM